Wanessa grava videoclipe em São Paulo

Por - 02/10/10 às 10:43

Roberto Rodrigues - Agencia RIP

A cantora Wanessa reservou a sexta-feira (1º) para gravar o videoclipe da musica Worth It, que leva a assinatura de Michael Jay e Johny Pedersen.

Acompanhada de 8 bailarinos, a estrela pop passou o dia em um estúdio na Zona Oeste paulistana sob a direção de Henrique Gendre, conhecido por suas passagens em Londres e Nova York.

Sob o olhar atendo do marido e empresário Marcus Buaiz, Wanessa apostou em uma performance bastante sensual, que deve mexer com o imaginário masculino.

Confira a letra da música:

Worth It

Your House in Miami is cuba and martini
Jacuzzi and ****
Party like on MTV

Pay all attention to her
Like she's your favorite girl
I don`t know why I keep hanging off
Will even notice if I was gone?

When you see
That you lost
You will want to be the ghost
Your curses
I`m so worth it
Just shut up!
Let me say
Don`t throw it all away
We were perfect
I so worth it

I so Worth It!

Now Gucci
Now Prada
Vallet I take a card off
My friends say you`re trouble
Always some kind of drama

Cause when you're with me on
You need is what you get

Can`t you see I`m taking this too long
Will even notice if I was gone?

When you see
That you lost
You will wanna be the ghost
Your curses
I`m so worth it
Just shut up
Let me say
Don`t throw it all away
We were perfect
I so worth it

It's so much better
When we're together
Life is so much richer if you have me to think of money in the bank



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