Cantora mostra necrose no rosto após picada de aranha

Por - 16/04/17 às 14:00


A cantora de música country Meghan Linsey mostrou no Instagram como ficou seu rosto, após ser picada por uma aranha venenosa, no começo do ano.

Meghan, de 31 anos, contou à revista People, que o acidente aconteceu dia 12 de fevereiro, quando acordou com uma 'sensação de picada' no rosto, e descobrindo em sua mão uma aranha-marrom, quase morta.

A aranha-marrom é uma das mais mortíferas, e Linsey correu para o hospital, levando o bicho, e tendo a confirmação.

"O inchaço foi a primeira coisa, depois começaram alguns estranhos sintomas. Eu tinha espasmos musculares, erupção no corpo todo… Todos os dias era uma coisa. Nove dias depois da picada a coisa ficou pior. Eu deveria estar ficando melhor, mas eu estava piorando. Quando os sintomas pararam de acontecer, a necrose começou em meu rosto", relembrou.

Meghan disse que recebeu atendimento à tempo, e afirmou que estava feliz de estar viva.


I know I've been MIA on social media for a while, so I wanted to fill you all in on what's going on. These pics are hard to share, but I think it's important for me to be open with you guys. Everything isn't perfect all of the time. We all go through hard stuff. So, 9 days ago, on February 12, I woke up to a stinging sensation on my face. I looked and in my right hand was a dead spider. Somehow while I was sleeping, a spider had bit me and I had killed it. This scenario is literally on the top of my nightmare list. The stinging was awful and I knew it had to be poisonous. I put the spider in a bag and headed to urgent care. Over the course of the last 9 days, I have experienced the most insane symptoms. From excruciating nerve pain in my face, muscle spasms, full body rash, extreme swelling… etc. It has really been rough. It has been confirmed that I was bit by a brown recluse spider, one of two of the most poisonous spiders in the US. I am still dealing with the wound on my face, but I finally found the right meds to control the nerve pain. I know I'm not out of the woods on this yet, but I am so incredibly grateful for my health and I will never take it for granted again. Your thoughts and prayers are much appreciated. I will be getting back in the studio this week, to work on the new record! I can't wait to finish it. And I can't wait to get back on the road on March 9 & 10- I will be playing in Alaska! And PLEASE, if you live in area where these spiders are, do some research and learn how to protect yourself! I know this is not common at all, but better safe than sorry! Love you all! Xo Meg

Uma publicação compartilhada por Meg Linsey (@meghanlinsey) em


Literally changed my hair color in 5 min in the shower the other day. I just put this Viral Colorwash all over my dry hair, let it set for about 2 min and then hopped in the shower and worked it through (like shampoo) and rinsed. Then conditioner. Done. So easy! And this lavender is the perfect shade. If you're blonde like me, then this is an amazing product! It's actually a shampoo, so if you continue to use it, you will maintain your color, or you can use regular shampoo and it will wash out in a few washes! They have other awesome colors, as well! I'm kinda obsessed! Thanks for telling me about it @ashleel07 !!!! #hair #lavenderhair #purplehair #pastelhair #beauty #fashion #fun #viralcolorwash

Uma publicação compartilhada por Meg Linsey (@meghanlinsey) em
